It was less a pitched battle than a succession of accidental collisions; less a decisive trial of strength than a momentary eruption…
William F Buckingham has written what may become the definitive British account of the Battle of Arnhem. In a crowded field, Buckingham’s…
The American Military: a concise history is an essential introduction to the development of the US army. From the landing of the…
Anthony Richards uses first-hand testimony to recreate the dying moments of the stricken Lusitania on 7 May 1915.…
It is perhaps surprising that no one had written a history of the Commonwealth armies in the Second World War before this…
The ballots have been cast, the votes have been counted, and we are delighted to announce the winners of the MHM Book…
Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History at King’s College London, has been described as ‘the outstanding British naval historian of his…
MHM has curated a list of 2018’s best military history titles: the nominees for this year’s MHM book awards. Our selection includes some…
The perhaps somewhat sensationalised title should not put one off. With great accuracy, detail, enthusiasm, and insight, Masters of Mayhem recounts the…
Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, described the desertion of the Royal Navy to Parliament in 1642 as an ‘unspeakable ill consequence…