Military Times – Oct 2010 | Military History Matters

Military Times – Oct 2010

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Our first ever issue of Military Times firmly abides by that old cliché, ‘something for everyone’. From a detailed analysis of the Battle of Britain to an examination of why Boudica lost her final stand-off against the Romans in AD 60, we’ve begun as we mean to go on – with a wide variety of subject matter, an insistence on meticulous research, and an emphasis on expert opinion.

Our cover feature is a definitive look at the crucial elements of the Battle of Britain: the commanders whose strategic skill and integrity made victory possible, and a blow-by-blow account of the events of the day itself. Included are a number of our exclusive battle maps, a sneak preview of which can be had by searching through the gallery of this website.

Guerilla warfare is next: centred around T E Lawrence and his famous 15 Principles, Dr Neil Faulkner, Editor of Military Times, investigates the links between Lawrence of Arabia and the Taliban. Have they been influenced by this controversial figure?

In the first of a mini-series covering the invasions of Afghanistan, the story of the disastrous 1839-1842 Anglo-Afghan War is told, including the torturous retreat of the Anglo-Indian forces from Kabul. Linking to our Opinion piece by Major-General Julian Thompson, the question of what we can – or should – learn from history is raised.

Not excluding naval history, ‘The Breaking of the Line’ features a profile of Admiral George Rodney, his role in the Battle of the Saintes and a look at whether or not he pioneered the famous, oft-repeated tactic.

In our final lead feature, Dr. Neil Faulkner sheds some light on the events surrounding the last stand of Boudica and her rebel army against the Romans in AD 60.

Also included are our regulars:

  • Military News and Analysis
  • Your Military Times – devoted to your family military history
  • This Day On... – in which we compare two newspapers from the same day, but from different sides of the battle
  • Regiments – telling the stories of remarkable regiments. This issue focuses on The 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot, for good reason nicknamed The Diehards.
  • Behind the Image – this month, the Saigon Execution by Eddie Adams
  • On Manoeuvres – a round up of the month’s most exciting military events
  • Museums – military archaeologist Keith Robinson is sent out and about visiting military museums and exhibitions, starting with a new naval aviation exhibition at RNAS Yeovilton.
  • Battlefield – a look at what you can see today on the great battlegrounds of the past. We start with Blenheim, the Duke of Marlborough’s greatest victory.
  • Matériel – each month, conflict archaeologist Nick Saunders of Bristol University will invite us to take a look at war through the lens provided by an iconic object. This issue: the bullet-crucifix.
  • Reviews of the latest military book and DVD releases.
  • Military Classics – an in-depth review of one of the classics of military history. We start with Jeremy Isaacs’ The World at War, an award-winning TV documentary series that is about to be reissued in high-definition on Blu-Ray and DVD.
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction – the Broadside
  • Back to the Drawing Board – the weird and often bemusing weapons that didn’t quite make the grade. Our first issue looks at the Panjandrum.