Think of something appropriately witty for this picture and leave your caption as a comment below. The best caption will be judged by the editorial team and published in the next issue of Military History Monthly!
This month’s image has been taken from our TV highlights section.
I chose the Lance.
OK. I chose a RPG
Frankly I think we’re taking the concept of safe sex too far.
I’m the Stig
No, I’M the Stig!
I thought you brought the tin opener!
“Communication, transparency, and trust are three of the most vital qualities of today’s Modern British Army.”–Mr. Philip Hammond, The Secretary of State for Defence
Motorhead decided this wasn’t their best costume idea.
you cheated!!! im taking my ball and going home!!!
“You’re in my way chump”
Er, when you said we’re going to do scenes from Full Metal Jacket this was’nt what I expected!
“Just a thought – did they include a zip in this outfit?
I’m bursting!”
It was the ultimate battlefield faux-pas, Sir Reginald and Sir Percy had both arrived wearing armour made by Marks and Spurs.