MHM has curated a list of 2016’s best military history titles: the nominees for the inaugural Military History Monthly book awards. Our selection includes some of the best-researched, most-insightful, and most-readable titles reviewed and featured in the magazine over the last year. But we need your help to select the winners!
We have two categories. Our Book of the Year Award – gold, silver, and bronze – will go to the titles our readers feel have made the greatest all-round contribution to the study of military history, while our Illustrated Book of the Year Award will celebrate one study that incorporates a substantial number of well-produced diagrams, illustrations, maps, and photographs into its pages.
Voting has now closed. The winners will be announced online on Friday 7 July 2017 – head over to our Twitter account (@MilHistMonthly) and use the hashtag #MHMAwards17 to follow proceedings as we reveal the winners!
For more information about the books featured in our shortlists, click the following links:
Dr Capwell’s book is the new breed of definitive arms and armour books. The best work since Ewart Oakshott.