Think of something appropriately witty for this picture and leave your caption as a comment below. The best caption will be judged by the editorial team and published in the next issue of Military History Monthly!
This month’s image comes from the article on the sinking of the Lusitania, the most notorious U-boat attack of the First World War, featured in issue 56 of Military History Monthly.
Opening day of the baseball season and I get to throw the opening pitch.
This is a piece of ice from the berg that the Titanic struck.
The Kaizer must have balls this big to sink that ship but we’ll soon cut them down to size!
Hitler has only got one ball.
This ones Hitler’s. Himmler had something similar.
So the song was true after all !
And I can tell you now, that if our boys do run out of ammunition, all they have to do is grab the enemy like this. And it’ll all be over by Christmas. Goodnight.
And I said to the wife: I know it’s only a game but I have this sinking feeling that we’re gonna lose it Tanya.
Unsinkable? I think they’ll find this hard to swallow.