This month we have 5 copies of The True German: the diary of a World War II military judge by Werner Otto Müller-Hill to be won.

the diary of a World War II military judge
Werner Otto Müller-Hill,
introduced by Benjamin Carter Hett
Price £15.99 I US $25.00 I CAN $29.00
Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 9781137278548
Werner Otto Müller-Hill served as a military judge in the Werhmacht during WWII. From March 1944 to the summer of 1945, he kept a diary recording his impressions of what transpired around him as Germany hurtled into destruction.
The diary detailed what he thought about the fate of the Jewish people, the danger from the Bolshevik east once an Allied victory was imminent, his longing for his home and family, and, throughout it, a relentless disdain and hatred for those responsible for dragging his beloved Germany into this cataclysm: Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Müller-Hill calls himself a German nationalist, the true Prussian idealist who was there before Hitler and would remain a erwards. Published in Germany and France, Müller-Hill’s diary has been hailed as a unique document, praised for its singular candour and uncommon insight into what the German Army was like on the inside. It is an extraordinary testament to a section of Germany’s population that historians are only now starting to recognise, and fills a gap in our knowledge of WWII.
Competition now closed