The November issue of Military History Monthly, the British military history magazine, is now on sale.
In this issue we cover:
Tanks in the First World War
Marking the centenary of the birth of tank warfare, Jeremy Black offers an appraisal of the successes and failures of the first tanks, and Arnold Harvey explores the combat experience of the first tank crews.
This 13-page special includes:
– Background
– Technology
– Combat experience
– Exhibition
Roosevelt versus Churchill: a tortured wartime relationship?
Nigel Hamilton investigates the relationship between Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt during the Second World War.
Iron Man of the Union: William T Sherman
Graham Goodlad reviews the career of a controversial American Civil War commander.
‘A Small Affair’: the defence of the Alamo, 1836
Fred Chiaventone examines a critical moment in the Texas Revolution.
Regiment: The Royal Welch Fusiliers at Mametz Wood, 1916
Patrick Mercer explores the hell of Mametz Wood in July 1916 from the perspective of the Royal Welch Fusiliers.
Also in this issue: Behind the Image; War Culture; War Composers; War on Film; Book of the Month; Book Reviews; Museum Review; Event Listings; Competitions; and much more.
From the editor

Is the tank now a military anachronism? Is it going the way of the cavalry it replaced? We pose the question and leave it hanging as we mark the centenary of the debut of the tank in September 1916.
In our special this issue, Jeremy Black assesses the military impact of the new weapon in the second half of the First World War, while Arnold Harvey selects some personal testimony from among the pioneers of armoured warfare.
Then we have three very different American stories. Fred Chiaventone recalls the epic last stand of a makeshift Texas militia at the Alamo in 1836. Like many last stands, it was the precursor to decisive victory – in this case that of San Jacinto, which established the independence of Texas.
Then Graham Goodlad continues our occasional Great Commanders series with an assessment of William Tecumseh Sherman, the iron man of the Union in the American Civil War, while Nigel Hamilton introduces his new study of the fraught wartime relationship between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill.
Finally, Patrick Mercer takes us into the hell of Mametz Wood in July 1916, alongside that famous (and very literary) British regiment, the Royal Welch Fusiliers.