The November issue of MHM, the British military history magazine, is now on sale.
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In this issue:
The legend of Roland at Roncesvalles, AD 778
Fred Chiaventone takes a closer look at the medieval Chanson de Roland and debunks the myths relating to Charlemagne’s crusade against the Moors.
The Hundred Days Offensive, 1918: whose victory?
After years of stalemate, what led the Allies to eventual victory in the First World War? Debate has long raged on the topic, and our special this issue looks closely at different aspects of the Allied war effort. In our first feature, Al McCluskey argues that the Hundred Days Offensive was an operational masterpiece, largely attributable to Douglas Haig. In our second, technology specialist David Porter looks at the sophisticated equipment used by the BEF.
Ramming Speed: history’s most devastating naval collisions
Patrick Boniface revisits some of the deadliest collisions in naval history, from the ancient world to the Second World War.
Mutiny! Breakdowns in military discipline, 1931-1946
Steven Taylor investigates three major mutinies that sent shockwaves through the British military establishment.
2nd Bengal European Regiment, 1849
Patrick Mercer recalls a bitter engagement at Chillianwallah in the Second Sikh War.
Also in this issue:
War on Film; Royal Deaths at War; War Culture, Behind the Image, Book Reviews; Museum Review; Event Listings; Competitions; and much more.
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From the editor

Still in centenary mode, our coverage of the end of the First World War continues this issue with a lead article by Al McCluskey arguing that the Hundred Days Offensive should be considered a strategic masterpiece on the part of the Allied high command – not least the much-denigrated Douglas Haig.
Al’s feature is complemented by David Porter’s analysis of the British Expeditionary Force’s transformation into a war-winning fighting machine by 1918.
Also this issue, Steven Taylor offers a fascinating insight into some hidden military history – mutinies in the British armed forces in the 1930s and 1940s – while Patrick Boniface takes a long-view perspective on the use of ramming in naval warfare from Salamis to the Second World War.
Fred Chiaventone continues his occasional series on famous ‘last stands’ – this time exposing some medieval ‘fake news’ about what happened to Count Roland’s command in the Pass of Roncesvalles in AD 778. Patrick Mercer has chosen the Second Sikh War as the setting for his regular ‘Regiment’ feature.
And Taylor Downing, our film specialist, has been ferreting in the archives to write this month’s ‘War on Film’, which focuses on that landmark BBC documentary The Great War, originally broadcast to mark the 50th anniversary of the First World War.
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